Today we will go over the quickest Mango Mint Ginger Combo Smoothie king recipe . When we’re in a rush, we adore it for breakfast.It’s quick and easy to make, hearty and comforting, and really wonderful.It will keep you filled until lunchtime. Who knew being healthy could be so tasty ?
On this page:
Total time: 5 mins
Dietary preferences: Vegetarian, Vegan, Dairy-free, Gluten-free
Ingredients :
- 1 handful of mango
- 1 handful of pineapple
- 1 banana
- 2 stalks of celery
- A piece of ginger
- 6 mint leaves
- 0,3l of water
Method :
Blend all ingredients at least 1 minute until smooth and enjoy!
Info About Mango : Nutrition , Benefits , Selection and Storage
Mango Nutrition Facts :
Mango is a popular fruit among many people, not only because it is tasty but also because it is high in nutrients.
One cup (165 grams) of fresh mango provides :
- Calories: 99
- Protein: 1.4 grams
- Carbs: 24.7 grams
- Fat: 0.6 grams
- Fiber: 2.6 grams
- Sugar: 22.5 grams
- Vitamin C: 67% of the Daily Value (DV)
- Copper: 20% of the DV
- Folate: 18% of the DV
- Vitamin B6: 12% of the DV
- Vitamin A: 10% of the DV
- Vitamin E: 10% of the DV
- Vitamin K: 6% of the DV
- Niacin: 7% of the DV
- Potassium: 6% of the DV
- Riboflavin: 5% of the DV
- Magnesium: 4% of the DV
- Thiamine: 4% of the DV
The following nutrition information is provided by the USDA.
Mango Benefits :
There are some facts to health benefits of Mango :
- Bolstered immunity
- Protection from free radical damage
- Improved digestive health
- Cancer prevention
- Better sleep
- Sharper vision
- Improved cardiovascular and gut health
Mango Selection :
To begin, weigh the mangoes and select the one that is the heaviest for its size.Then take a look at the form.You want a plump mango rather than a flat, stringy one.When held close to your nose, you should detect a fruity perfume.
Don’t evaluate a mango by its color; instead, go by how it feels.The redness you’ll observe on certain kinds isn’t necessarily a sign of maturity.The flesh of a ripe mango is soft but not mushy.
Mango Storage :
The majority of mangoes you’ll find in stores are hard and immature.If you don’t wait until they’re totally ripe before eating them, you’ll get a bland taste.
Keep unripe mangoes at room temperature for a few days to soften and sweeten.If you want to speed up the process, put your mango in a paper bag while it’s still warm.
Place your ripe mango in the refrigerator.Mangoes can be stored whole for up to 5 days.Peeled and diced mangoes can be kept in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a few days or frozen for up to 6 months.